Rheumatoid Arthitis (2011). An article about rheumatoid arthritis and how smoking can be a trigger for it.
Unusual Molecules (2011). 10 molecule names derived from interesting sources.
Pied Piper (2011). Pied Piper fairy tale altered to involve child abuse.
Blue Heron (2011). Spot illustration about whether dinosaurs can be cloned from birds.
Ghost (2012). CD cover for Ingrid Michaelson's Human Again
Trick-or-treat on Wall Street (2011). A New Yorker cover with a Halloween theme.
Wuthering Hipster (2012). Book cover art combining hipsters and Emily Brönte's Wuthering Heights.
Pennsylvania (2012). Conceptual map of Pennsylvania.
Electric Kettle Skeleton (2011). Creating a skeleton based on an inanimate object.
Pet Noir (2012). Combining film noir with pets.